Are you in the middle of making the decision of obtaining your degree through an online institution or going to a college campus? Many people that work full time or have children have often taken online college courses to receive their degree. For those who are stuck in the middle of going to class on a college campus and taking online courses, there is Future Scholars. Future Scholars is a test drive in taking online college courses. This test drive is FREE at a fully accredited online university, where you can earn 5 college credits towards an accredited university.
This is a head start in receiving your degree at an accredited online university. This is a $1,800 value that is absolutely FREE to those who qualify. There are some restrictions that apply to those who are already enrolled in college, those who are in default on student loans, students who don’t have a high school diploma or GED and don’t have access to a computer with internet access. Kaplan University a fully accredited online university offers the Future Scholars course. If considering applying for Future Scholars you must pass the ECS College Assessment Exam. Once you have taken the ECS and passed, an Academic Advisor will contact you discussing the terms of the Future Scholars program and your score. So if you are leaning towards attending an online university the Future Scholars course is the start to earning your degree online.
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